Thursday, May 14, 2009

Interview with a Pair of Fanatics

Our friend Nikki, who was an intern at the Ecology Action Research Mini-Farm for a few months this past winter, came down to visit last week. Nikki is a writer both of journalism and fiction, and is also a health food nut. (Those of us who claim the term wear it with pride). Her passions also tend toward life-long learning and the sustainable lifestyle.
While the majority of her visit was spent with her sister, who is currently a six-month intern at the EA site, Margo and I did get a chance to have them both down at the Golden Rule for dinner and conversation. Nikki came prepared with her notebook and a desire to interview us about progress on our own path of self-sufficiency and healthy lifestyle.
Her finished product gives us a chance to step back and see that we have made some incredible steps. The fact that we play in the dirt everyday is the only thing that keeps us humble :)
Anyway, we recommend her blog, Generation V, and the interview in particular (for when the post has moved off the main page to make way for other excellent and more recent posts).
We are grateful that Nikki is friends with us even though we aren't vegans :)
And here is the one photo of four we gave her that she didn't decide to put in. I think it is self-explanatory.


  1. Hey, I didn’t see that picture. I went back to your e-mail and see I didn’t scroll down far enough. I rest my case; I was made for simple living!

    I loved visiting, talking, and, more importantly, eating with you guys. You’re the little voices of reason on my shoulder when I shop now. I put back some pita bread the other day even though it was in the natural pantry section it still had high fructose corn syrup (listed at the end of the ingredients rather than the top, but still listed) and it was in a plastic bag). Thanks for the inspiration. It’s one thing to read about a better way of life, but to see people actually doing it is much more profound. (And it helps in the sense of thinking, ‘Hey, if they can do it so can I.’)
    Hope to catch a seat at your table again soon!

  2. Totally! And next time you'll be working for your grains, too :) The rye is already overhead and pollinating...
